Wednesday, May 20, 2009

{ San Antonio }

These past couple of weeks have been so busy!  Blogging is always the first thing that has to go,  but I'm going to get all caught up in the next couple of days.  Casey was out of town for a week.  He got home and 3 days later his family came to visit for a week.  We enjoyed spending time together and getting all caught up.  The cousins had fun playing together.  My kids still had to go to school, but it was a reunion every time they got home for the day.  They couldn't get enough of each other!   

We took a trip to San Antonio for the weekend.  Can I say HOT!!!  If you have not experienced Texas heat, then you're just missing out!  Not really, but nothing compares to it!  I'm glad we went then and not any later.  I would have died from pregnancy heat there even such a thing?  I'm saying yes!  Anyway, besides the heat factor we had a lot of fun.

The Alamo 

Our family and Grandma

Family Pic.

Casey's sister Kari and her kids.

Kari's Family

The cousins.  We had to take a snow cone break to cool down.  I don't think the kids sat more still the entire week than right here!


Drew - snow cone

SIx Flags

The next day was spent at Six Flags.  Thank goodness for water rides!  Here is grandma with the grandkids (minus little Matti) after a much needed water ride.

Grandma and KidsCasey and KidsMe, Drew and Matti    Drew   

Love those happy smiles!


  1. I love when family comes to visit. I am sure you are not going to like the summer heat this year. I just hope it goes by quickly for you.

  2. Those were such fun pictures. I remember having field day as a kid. I love the picture of Drew on that ride--what a cutie (all of your kids are cute though!) I'm with you--I'm ready for school to be out!!

  3. So much fun. Great pictures. I love the vibrant colors.

  4. I can't get over how big Kaylee is getting. I swear she is bigger in each picture! She is so tall! Makes me sad that I don't get to see the kids as much bc they are just changing all the time! Looks like you guys had a blast at Six Flags & the feild days looks like a blast. I don't remember ever getting to do that in school... Can't wait for more posts!!

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  6. If it's in Texas, and involves heat, anything is fair game. So yes, there's definitely a thing as pregnancy heat exhaustion, and if you're pregnant in TX, you surely suffer from it, even if you're inside. I'm not ready for the summer.
