Saturday, October 9, 2010

{ Project 365 }

I am a slacker.  I had to take a blogging hiatus.  That thing called life kinda’ got in the way. I will be the first to admit that I can’t do it all.  For my sanity I had to step back from the computer a little bit.   Honestly, I enjoyed my little break away(besides e-mail). It’s refreshing!   My creative juices got flowing again. I enjoyed some fall T.V. and along with all of my old responsibilities, I am now officially a Taxi driver.  It is true.  I live in my car.  I don’t really enjoy that, but it is my life.  With Kaylee having swim everyday and the boys both playing baseball I am always on the go and exhausted.  I don’t know how all of you with older kids do it! I am starting to understand what they mean when other moms say it’s easier when your kids are younger. There are hard things at every stage, but the hard thing now is that it isn’t my schedule anymore.  It is all about my kids and their busy lives.

I am going to get caught up in the blog world this weekend.  I have lots to share (ya know, since I’m so far behind and all). Stay tuned. I can’t wait to tackle my blog reader and see what my faves have been up to!    

Day 106

Fearless – My kids have always been fearless in the water.  They get their love for water from me and their fearlessness from their dad. Ady has already learned to jump in from the edge.  Our neighbor went out of town.  She gave us her key and told us to use the pool anytime.  So that’s what we did!

Day 107

Much Loved – This book has been around for a long time.  It is called Dear Zoo.  It has been a favorite of all my kids in their early years but especially Kaylee. I remember being at the Dr. with her one time.  She had an ear infection and was so sick.  The only thing that would keep her calm was this book.  Now Ady enjoys this book.  It keeps getting ripped apart and I can’t count how many times it has been taped back together.    

Day 108

Breakfast – Casey makes some pretty mean banana muffins.  That might not be a manly thing to say, but I think he is ok with that.  We love old bananas at our house.  It means dad is going to make his famous muffins and we get a yummy, fast  breakfast.  That’s what I’m talkin’ about!

Day 109

Oh My – I don’t really know what to say.  My little Ady is prone to ear infections.  She is miserable.  I am miserable.  Thank goodness for doctors and medicine!!

Day 110

My other job – The one that I used to do that I don’t really love anymore… I still have to do that because I am the mom and I know how to.  Darn it!  Yes, I am the family haircutter.  Just another one of my responsibilities, but it is a great way for us to save on money. 

Day 111

Temple Night – Casey and I attended the Houston Temple with our ward.  It had been a very long time since we have had the opportunity to go together.  It was wonderful to be back.

Day 112

Comfort – This old recipe box holds all of my tried and true favorites.  On Sundays most of our meals come from this box. It is our down home cookin’ comfort food and that is what we do most Sundays.  Each time I pull out a recipe I am brought back the person I got it from.  Like I am holding a piece of them and I love that.  It brings back memories of  family and friends I  have gathered recipes from.  I am reminded that so many things happen in the kitchen, around the dinner table, surrounded by love and good food.  It is a sacrifice to cook sometimes but it is  worth it when you are carrying on tradition and your family tells you how much they loved dinner.     


  1. That is such a beautiful picture of the temple!! Good job sis!! I can't believe Ady is jumping off the side already!! That makes her seem so old!! I've missed you on the blog front!!

    PS I have learned a few new things in Photoshop I must share with you!!

  2. Poor little Ady! I hope she is not sick for her big day! You are lucky to have such a talent as cutting hair. Don't take it for granted. I have now cut a hole in the back of my husbands head and my child has a buzz cut. My poor children. p.s. Lindsey, I want to know your ps secrets!

  3. I love that she still fits in that swimsuit! Ady is a gorgeous little chip off the old block! Hey, so, check out my mom's blog. She just put up some shots of Isaac's first swim meet. He did great, and I thought how if we lived in town together we'd be watching our kids at the same time! Miss ya bud!
