Monday, October 18, 2010

{ Project 365 }

Day 113

Everyday – I see this little girl off to swim practice.  She swims for 1 hour.  Today she woke up early for choir practice, had PE at school, came home, had a snack and went to swim practice.  I wish I had as much energy as she does. 

Day 114

A Date – With my computer.  Quiet time, Coke and M&M’s.

Day 115

Basic Hair Accessories 101 – We have a play group in my ward.  Today the moms got together and I taught them the very basics of making hair accessories.  I gathered a few of my favorites that I have made or collected to show for examples. 

 Day 116

Feeling Festive – Today was a good shopping day at Dollar Tree.  I had so much fun adding these into my fall/halloween decor.   I will share more later. 

Day 117 

Passing the Time – Ady loves to play in the rocks while we wait for Kaylee to finish swim practice. 

Day 118

Baseball – Today the boys had their first baseball game.  They are LOVING baseball and we are ALL enjoying cheering them on.  There really is no better place to be than on a baseball field!!

Day 119

Sunday Walks – The fall weather is perfect right now.  We even have leaves on the ground in some areas!  There are so many nice trails near us that we haven’t explored yet because it is so hot most of the year.  While we have this nice weather we are going to walk a trail and enjoy being outside each Sunday. 


  1. Doesn't that last picture make you so proud of your family!! You have a dang cute family btw!! I love the boys in the get up and Kaylee on the way to swim. That is an awesome picture!! I also love the pic on your computer!!

  2. Aw I love the Moes fam! Seriously, Can I have Kaylee's rockin' bod? ( is that creepy for me to say?). For me there is NOTHING that compares to little boys in baseball uniforms. I hope Beck likes baseball because he doesn't have a choice.
    p.s. dying to see Ady's b-day pics!!

  3. I love the swim picture. I also love the boys baseball photos. It just goes to show how busy your family keeps you.

  4. Major difference between you and I (as if there arent already a million) is you have a placemat down for your date with a computer. I dont even OWN placemats. Not only do you have placemats but your soda is in a glass, not plastic cup, as well as your M&M's are in a gorgeous glass bowl ... not the wrapper they came in. Those are just some of the reasons why I love you and wish I was more like you. Till then I will drink from my plastic cups and eat M&M's outta the wrapper. Not a prayer of a chance I'll buy a placemat!

  5. I recognize some of your dollar tree items :) We just got one here in town and I love it. I always look forward to your posts thank for doing this. I just wish that I lived closer to you.

  6. And I was wondering where you get your energy. Like mother like daughter. You're both amazing! Thanks for sharing your hair clips. And my kids would love it if I decorated more for Halloween. I did get the lights up outside finally.

  7. Ady in the rocks is adorable. Why do we even buy toys!?!
