Sunday, May 22, 2011

So Proud {A Triathlon}

A couple of weekends ago, my husband completed his first Sprint Triathlon.  It was a pretty awesome experience for him to be a part of.  It was a journey for our family to see him through months of training, to finally crossing the finish line.  He started his training motivated, but more unsure of the whole experience.  Once he started investing more time and dedication to training and saw the weight loss results, he was hooked!  He is now a triathlete with big goals. :) 

Here are some photos of his big race day.

His race time started at 7:01 a.m.  Swimming was first.  He was most nervous for that.  500 meters in the lake.  

There he is holding his hand up for me before his age group started. 

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He did great!  His only complaint was being kicked.   It’s close quarters and sort of a free for all, so it comes with the territory. 


Next was the 15 mile bike ride.   

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This was only half of the bikes. 

I wish I could have gotten a photo of him coming out of the water, but the way they had it set up, there was no way I could do that and then be there to see him off on the bike. 

Here he is getting to his bike for transition after swim. 

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That’s as close as I could get. 

When he came around the corner he heard us cheering for him. 

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My amazing friend Tami took Ady for me at 6:20 in the morning so the big kids and I could be a part of Casey’s day.

Here they are waiting for their dad to come back from the bike and start the run.

Go Dad!

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He didn’t see us as he whizzed by on the bike.

Or when he started the 3.1 mile run. 

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Or when he crossed the finish line.

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He was in the zone. 

Finish Line

But we were there, watching for him and cheering him on the whole time.  SO PROUD!!!

He still didn’t see us, until we finally swarmed in on him. :) 

These photos make me laugh.  Kaylee could not get over how sweaty Casey was.  I am laughing right now remembering it. :)  He put his hand down next to her on the bar and she looked down to see a pile of sweat.  I told her to move closer for the picture but she wouldn’t budge.  Such a girl!


Aside from cheering for my husband and seeing him through the finish line, my favorite part was seeing Casey congratulate his friends through the finish line.  The camaraderie you feel is amazing!  That’s just how I felt as a spectator.  I can’t imagine what its really like when you are on this major adrenoline high.

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These are friends from our ward.  There was more who hadn’t come through yet.  We had quite a group!

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This is Andy.  He is a friend of Casey’s from work who is hooked on triathlons and encouraged Casey to just go for it.


We are so glad he did.

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This is just another way that Casey is setting an example for our family.  He is taking care of his body with exercise and good eating habits while pushing himself and setting goals.  He did this for himself, but we have all benefited from it.

Great job honey!  We are so proud of you!!

Last night Casey and I went on a date.  We went to dinner and then to The Woodlands where they were finishing up the Iron Man Triathlon.  WOW is all I can say. The atmoshphere around an event like that is phenomenal and something I really can’t put into words.  It’s hard to be there and not get emotional.   Those people are amazing!  So are our bodies and the things we are able to accomplish.  What a wonderful gift we have been given. 


  1. yay Casey! I love all the pics Krys. I laughed out loud reading and seeing the pics with the kids. The first pic with Kaylee says it all.

  2. It really is amazing what our bodies can do ... and you are such a good wife/mom to be there to support him! Way to go Case!

  3. Way to go Casey! What an amazing accomplishment. Way to be there to support him, Krysta. That means a lot to them.

  4. I laughed about Kaylee moving away from the sweat, her face says it all!

    It is such a blessing to have a husband who cares about his health isn't it? I love that about my husband too. It is so important for your kids to see! Go Casey!!

    I felt emotional too seeing all those ironmen on Saturday too. The will of men/women is an amazing thing.

  5. I am so glad Tami watched Ady. That was an important part of life to capture. Way to go Casey. That is so awesome. I am proud of you.

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