Saturday, February 11, 2012

January Happenings

I am playing catch up.  It’s like a never ending story around here.  I have been spending a lot of time sorting through thousands of pictures and cleaning off my computer.  It is taking waaaaaaaay too long and I am still not even close.  I need to set a finish date for this project so I don’t drag it out forever.  Something needs to motivate me, I just haven’t found it yet!  I also don’t have a huge chunk of time to sit in front of the computer and get it done.  Little spaces of time here and there make it take much longer. :( 

During this process, I realized that so many of my pictures don’t have a home.  I didn’t do a post about them, they have not been scrapbooked or printed.  They are just chillin’ on my computer.  I don’t like that!  For me, it kind of defeats the whole purpose of taking pictures.  I love the actual process of being behind the camera capturing moments in my families life.  That is fun for me and it always feels right.  But having all of these pictures floating around all over the place drives me nuts!  It seriously makes me anxious.  I have made a goal to start scrapbooking again this year.  I couldn’t find any time to do it last year.  It is important to me to be the “historian” for my family.  I take pride in that job.  I always have.  It is one of the things about being a mom that I really love. But I can’t start until this dang computer of mine is all cleaned out, organized from top to bottom and running faster than it is now. 

For now, and for the rest of the year (maybe every year after that) I am going to make a collage of pictures each month and post it. These are random pictures for the month that tell a little bit of our story.  Pictures that I would have loved to do a post and really write about, but I can’t find the time for it.  It gives some of my pictures a home and that makes me feel better.  Some of them I might go back and do a post on, we’ll see.  For now I am catching up and moving forward.  

Here are some January Happenings in the Moes home.


(Collage downloaded from Simple as That)

Left to right, top to bottom:

1. Kaylee is officially a tween.  She got an ipod for Christmas and is hooked.  She loves everything about it and is enjoying keeping in touch with her friends this way.  She chills on her bed like this pretty much everyday for a good 15 min. (It would be longer if I wasn’t hounding her) Then it’s homework and swim.

2. Jake had his second Pine Wood Derby.  His car resembled Bumble Bee.  His car came in 2nd place and he received an award for “Most Transformer Like”.  Last year he came in 1st place, this year 2nd.  We teased him that next year it would be 3rd.  He didn’t like that. :)

3. Kaylee started back up on the swim team.  We took the fall off.  It was a nice break but we are glad to be back.  She is a great swimmer and I love that she is getting exercise each day. 

4.  I mentioned in Jake’s birthday post that he loves to read each and every night.  He could read all night long.  I love this picture of him. 

5. Ady got her first real haircut.  I have trimmed her bangs (when she had them) but that was about it.  She actually really enjoyed getting her hair cut and was so good!

6. Nap time is still a great time of day around here.  Ady loves her big girl bed, her blanket and taking naps.

7.  Drew had a sick day, although you would never be able to tell by this picture that it was a sick day.  Ady and I were making a treat.  He couldn’t resist the beaters when we were all done. 

As for some other random happenings, This week:

1. I edited a photo shoot.

2. I ate lunch at school with Jake.  I actually surprised him and the look on his face almost made me cry.  It’s so easy for me to forget how much little things like that mean to my children.  It was definitely worth the time and I am going to make it  happen more often. 

3. I did not vacuum once this entire week.  For those of you that really know me, you know that this is a big deal around here!! :)  I actually didn’t do much with the house this week.  That doesn’t make me happy but it is what it is. 

4. I ordered this chair.  I have been eyeing it for my family room for months now.  It is finally on its way!  It goes perfect with this rug (the green one) I bought a couple of months ago.

5. I am enjoying a dinner swap with my friend Sara that we set up for our families.  I will share about this soon.  It is awesome and we both LOVE it!

6. I am looking forward to an early Valentine date with my hubby tonight. 

That’s it for us.  I hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. I am so with you on this lady. It overwhelms me tremendously. I started to re-organize mine beginning 2012. It felt good. I am on a mission to finish C's scrapbook and then I am hoping to start a project life book.

  2. I love the idea of a monthly photo purge. I feel like I have a lot of randoms that never make it on the blog. Those kiddos are growing too fast!

  3. I love the pic of Jake in his cub scout uniform ... How that kid can looks so serious and then pop the biggest smile is beyond me. Love him!

  4. I have been debating what to do about our photos too! I'm in a rut and can't decide what to do. My blog book isn't turning out the way I want it to, and I don't like printing off pics and sliding them into albums because that doesn't tell the story and I don't feel like I have time to scrapbook...oh what to do?!

  5. Ok I must have been missing from the computer because I have missed some of your posts. I am so sorry. I love your collage and the idea of it. I am so glad you are getting your chair. I know how much you wanted it.
