Wednesday, January 7, 2009

{ Did you know Superman lives with us?}...

                                                   Here he is in action.

Superman - 4

This particular day he was hanging from the banister, doing his best to protect the popcorn from thievery.  I love this picture!  It definitely makes my top 10 faves from 2008 and it's not even completely in focus.  The screen saver on my computer is set up to play a slide show.  Sometimes it's hard for me to get anything productive done with all of these fun pictures popping up in front of me, but every time I see this one, it warms my heart and brings me joy.  This is how I want Drew to remember his years as a toddler.  Running through the house chasing after his brother (who is usually Batman or a cowboy or a pirate) with me yelling in the background "take it outside!"  Even though the running drives me crazy at times, I'm secretly glad they do it because they should - they're kids.  I even want him to remember hanging from the banister (as long as it's not the second story - yikes!) because you really only get one chance in life to put a Superman cape on and really think you're Superman!     


  1. What a cute little Super Man. He would have so much fun with our little Spider Man (Hayden). Too bad they have to be long distance buddies. What a great photographer you are to capture him like that. He almost looks like he's climbing up the wall. Too cute!

  2. Enjoy these days--they will be gone before you know it! Cute picture!!

  3. That is do darling. I bet Superman doesn't want to be referred to as "darling." Cute words with it. You are a cute mom.

  4. How cute! I love little boys, I can't wait for Remy to start chasing Stockton!

  5. That really is a fun picture. You are a great mom!

  6. Sounds like you have lots of superheros at your house. You've got batman too. This picture is priceless, I love it!

  7. That is absolutly the funniest thing. It took me a minute to figure out how he was "hanging" in the air! Love that, you have the best kids... I miss them and all their funny things they do!

  8. What a fun picture. I am glad you took the time to write about it. I need to get on the stick with that.

  9. SO CUTE...I LOVE little boys!! I love Casey's post about your new years and twilight, because it was totally a joke between Aaric and I when I was reading them. I would always say, "sorry I need to go spend some time with Edward." Aaric would shake his head and roll his eyes but thought it was hilarious I could be so taken by a vampire!! cute cape BTW
