Sunday, October 24, 2010

{Project 365 }

I was gathering my photos for this post and I realized that almost every single one of them is about Ady this week.  Since it was her birthday week, I suppose that’s how it should be. :)

Day 134 

One of my girls – This is Stephanie.  One of my long lost BFF’s.  We have known each other since 3rd grade.  She came into town for work and my kiddos and I got to hang out with her and have dinner.  It was not nearly long enough of a visit, but it will have to do…for now.  It was so fun seeing her and having her be a part of my “all grown up” life, even for just a little bit.  I wish we lived closer.  I love you girl! (and so do my kids)

Day 135

Very, very late night/early morning decorating -  I stayed up waaaaaaay too late decorating for Ady’s big day.  I underestimated how much time I needed to put everything together.  Me and time just don’t mix.  I am ALWAYS underestimating.  Anyway, it was worth staying up to finish.  Ady didn’t notice but the big kids did and they were so excited.  It was very festive around our house. 

Day 136

The Birthday Girl – She dug into her cake today.  It was the cutest thing EVER, if I do say so myself!

Day 137 

Thoughtful – Drew was being thoughtful again.  He wanted to share his tic tacs with Ady so he taped them to her door while she was napping.

Day 138

Grandma and Ady – I know I have mentioned before that we celebrate birthdays for a week in the Moes home.  Wednesday (her birthday) was her cake day and on Friday Drew insisted that we open her presents.  He could not wait any longer.  So we sat outside in the backyard and let Ady go for it.  Grandma is reading Ady one of her new books she got her. 

Day 139

Our Routine – Ady sits in this chair in my bathroom while I do her hair.  She loves to dig in the drawer in front of her and pull every little hair accessory out.  It keeps her holding still (for the most part) so I don’t mind. :)

Day 140

Birthday Sharing – It seems like there is always someone to share a birthday with in our families.  It makes it even more fun!  This is Casey’s uncle Hue.  He was in town visiting, so on Sunday we had some family over for cupcakes and ice cream and of course we had to play cards.  It just wouldn’t be the same if we didn’t.  Even the kids enjoyed playing. 


Lindsey Jensen said...

I love of those pictures!! My fave I think would HAVE to be Ady and her cake!! A. that cake really is perfect for her and B. it is the PERFECT picture to capture the moment!! Awesome job. The decorations look so good!!

Lindsey Jensen said...

Oh and my candle sticks are different than yours. Mine are actually straight instead of curvy. I love yours!!

Beth Curtis said...

I am dying, DYING over here. I love this post. Oh Ady is the cutest birthday girl in the world. I love that little smile while she is getting her hair done and that pic with Hue is seriously awesome. I can see the pom poms and I love that you used printed tissue paper. You are an amazing mama!

Andrea said...

Great photos. I love the cake picture. It really turned out so good. I have been anticipating these, and I can't wait to see more.

Stephanie said...

Um ewww pic of me!! Not because of the angle but I am ewwwww. I was so happy to see you. Did you see the pic I put on my blog? Happy Birthday Ady! She's so cute in her tutu. You are an awesome, mama.

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