Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday is a big day…

It is way too late right now on Sunday night.  I am feeling a little bit delirious actually.  Too many late nights in a row, which isn’t the best way to prepare for my kids first day of school.  I have been up printing cute lunch box notes that I’ve found on Pinterest and working on laundry, since my kids need things for tomorrow and I have waited until the very last minute.  Of course.

Before I go to bed though, I wanted to take a quick minute to journal about Drew.  It is his first day of Kindergarten tomorrow!  I am so excited for him, even though he is so nervous.  He worries about friends and not being able to tie his shoes perfectly and being gone from home for so long.  All normal kid things.  I worry about him being gone for so long too.  Here, Kindergarten is all day.  It is such a long day for those little ones!  I am preparing myself for meltdowns before dinner, but I know he will adjust quickly.  I am sad he is growing up.  He has always been my baby.  Even though I have Ady, Drew is still my baby.  He is the one who likes to cuddle and needs lots of extra loves.  I have always enjoyed that about him. 

He did a lot of growing up this summer, which makes me feel confident that he is ready for this next step.

He lost two teeth.  One of them was loose for a couple of weeks.  He wouldn’t let anyone touch it, even though we told him it would come right out and then he would be so glad it was gone.  He wouldn’t even twist it around and loosen it up on his own.  Finally one day Jake and Drew were playing ball and the ball flew at Drew’s face, hitting his mouth and out came his tooth!  He was pleasantly surprised and we were all so glad that ordeal was over.  He got his tooth and a letter all set up for the tooth fairy that night.  Well, the tooth fairy never came…gasp!!!  It is true.  (Yes, we completely forgot.)  The tooth fairy was so busy and Drew had another tooth that was loose and ready to come out at any second, so the tooth fairy decided to be efficient and come one time.  We told Drew that if you have more than one loose tooth the tooth fairy won’t come until she can collect them all at once.  It did the trick and that very same night Drew had two teeth to put under his pillow.  This time the tooth fairy delivered. :)


He has this blanket that he absolutely loves.  He has been attached to it since he was only a couple months old.  So attached that even at that age he could not sleep with out it.  He actually would suck on it like a binkie.  He would have this whole routine he would do to snuggle up with it and go to sleep or watch a movie.  I can picture it in my head.  I think I will always remember it.  Anyway, his blankie has gotten so old and so worn out.  I would wash it several times a week and still just by looking at it you would barely want to touch it.


It used to have fringies around the edges but he cut them off.  It is covered with holes by being loved on so much.  It has been time to get rid of it for quite awhile.  About a year ago when his grandma came to visit, we decided to try and persuade him to replace this one for another one.  We took him to the fabric store and let him pick out whatever fleece print he wanted.  We came home and made him another blanket.  He still didn’t want anything to do with it.  It has sat in his drawer pretty much untouched. 

Until recently.  I was cleaning his room a couple of weeks ago and found his old blanket in the garbage and his new one on his bed.  It took my breath away and I was so confused.  A little heartbroken too actually.  I thought for sure someone was playing a trick on him by throwing his blanket away because there was no way HE would ever do that!  I told him that I found his blanket in the garbage and he said, “I know.  I don’t want it anymore.” 

Me: “Oh.  So you decided to throw it away?”

Drew: “Yep.”


And that was that.  I took it out of the garbage and washed it.  I saved it in the back of his closet in case he freaked out once he realized what he had done.  But it’s a done deal.  He doesn’t need his blankie anymore.  He has moved on to bigger and better things.  My heart is a little bit broken. :(  More than anything though, I am so excited to see what this year has in store for him and what he thinks about it.  He is so good at communicating and explaining how he feels.  He says the cutest things and speaks from the heart.  I love that about him and hope that quality will only grow with him.   


Jen said...

Drew is awesome, I loved having him in my class before I had Ashland. All day kindergarten was a lot harder on me than it was on Mason for sure. I bet he will do great!

Prudently Painted Vintage said...

It brought tears to my eyes when you said you found the blanket in the garbage :( they grow up way too fast!!

Beth Curtis said...

I have to admit my heart kind of sank when you said he threw away the blanket. That is what makes Drew Baby! Oh man he is growing up fast. Between the teeth and the blanket I don't think I can take much more!

Andrea said...

I can't believe he started K today. I hope it went well, and the blanket that is just not what I expected to hear. He really is growing up.

Kari said... we need a post about how today went! Inquiring minds want to know! I still have a week from tomorrow until Matti's big day!

Colleen said...

I am cracking up at the tooth fairy not stopping by! I was so afraid of forgetting that one. E lost her first one a few weeks ago. She was the same way. Wouldn't even let me go near it. Hope the first day went well. We have it coming soon and I am so sad : (

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