Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What a Week!

We enjoyed our visit with Casey's family so much! We were sad to see them go home. Jake moped around all day yesterday because he missed Cameron so much! I told him we would see him soon and then they can play again...we are already counting down until our trip to Utah in July, when we can see everyone again. I thought I would share some of my favorite pictures from our week.

First things first! One of the first things we did was get on the computer. I helped Kari start her own family blog. She designed her header on Photoshop and got hooked on digital scrapbooking! I'm so excited! I know she will love it as much as I do.

We went to a really fun park where you can feed ducks and play. Jake and Cameron loved chasing the ducks (of course)! Drew was a little scared and wouldn't let go of Grandma's leg until all the bread was gone!

Britney took this picture of us. Not bad for a 5 year old!

Cameron and Jake

Here's all 6 of them! They loved playing outside doing just about anything.

We spent one of the days at the NASA Spacecenter. Here's Grandma and Grandpa resting with the kids while we stood in line to go on a tram ride.

They had an exploration center there and the kids got to try and lift this HUGE snake. It took all of them to do it!

What cute girls!! We went on a Water Taxi around the shopping center in The Woodlands. It's basically just this big shopping center with a mall, resturants and everything else you can think of, but it's situated in a circle and there is a waterway that goes around it. So you can take the Water Taxi and it has all these different stops it makes so you don't have to walk everywhere. We just went on it for fun, no major shopping with 6 kids!

Of course there has to be time for wrestling. We always remember to stop before anyone gets hurt, too badly anyway.

That's our fun week. We made tons of fun memories and that's what life is all about!


Andrea said...

What a fun week. I am so glad you loved it, and that you were able to teach Kari how to scrapbook.

Stephanie said...

How fun! Hey, don't convert everyone over to digital scrapbooking- I need some scrapping friends! ;)

Beeks by the Lake said...

YES! Another digital scrapbooker! I have a page full of site links of you want them. OH and Stephanie - I still cropped with my friends (Krysta was one of them) who paper scrapped. I just brought my laptop over and my wacom tablet and we had a blast. Looks like so much fun with all the kids. I bet they just loved having their family around!

Beth Curtis said...

I love it!! So cute, I was waiting for you to blog about this week. They are all getting so big!

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