1. Go on a walk with Jake and Drew (I missed you Mel)
2. Make bread
3. Make a casserole for a family in the ward
4. Boil eggs for Y/W tonight (It's Easter time)
5.Make egg salad for me with some of those eggs (one of my favorite sandwiches)
6.Get 2 digi pages done
7. Start putting together my friend book
8. Help Kaylee with her homework
9. Take Kaylee to soccer practice and play kick with the boys while we're there.
10. Dinner
11. Go to Y/W
12. Read and go to bed (after I visit w/my husband of course!)
I am a major list person and I love reading other peoples "To Do Lists" so there's mine. I know I'm posting this at lunch time, but so far I've gone on a walk and showered (although I'm not ready yet) and boiled my eggs and my bread is rising. Not bad... The only way this has been at all possible (and keeps me thinking I might acually be able to accomplish everything on my list today) is because Jake and Drew have played so good today! I haven't had to intervene one time! That is a record and worth it's own posting. I'm proud of you boys!
My first EVER in person event!
12 hours ago
Good for you!! I am glad you have been able to get so many things done. I have to say, that is about the only thing we don't have in common. I get more stressed when I have a list. I seem to get more accomplished when I don't write it all down. I rebel against myself if I have a list. I wish I could be better at that. That was really fun to see your list, and think about all those great things you will do today.
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