Thursday, April 17, 2008

Owie # What?

I think it's 7 now!
Four just on his cute little head!

I came home last night from Y/W and was saying good night to the kids and Drew is telling me all about his owies. He had just gotten another one that night while he was out with Casey. He had his big toe all bandaged up from it. So, we were counting them and the total came to 6. It all started on Tuesday when him and I were at Sam's Club and my sweet little boy wouldn't hold still while we were eating a pretzel, so he fell off the chair and smacked his head on the cement floor. He did a good job of it too. The kind where it's completely smashed in and then all of the sudden there's a whopping goose egg. I was just releived it didn't split open. No sign of blood, then we're good to go. That was owie#1 and it just hasn't stopped since then. Since Tuesday he's gotten #'s 2-6. Then this morning I was in the kitchen and heard a big thump from upstairs and then Drew crying. Owie # 7. He had woken up because he fell out of bed. Poor guy. He got his head again.

Of course we have to have "Blankee" in all the pictures. You'll hardly ever see him with out it.
Boys will be boys or at least mine will! I love that a kiss from Mom makes it all better, just for a second though, until the next owie happens! :)


Andrea said...

Poor guy. I love how you numbered them on the picture. That is too funny. I was actually expecting the pictures to be of Jake. I guess Drew has a great example.

Tonya said...

He is so cute! Your comment on my blog cracked me up, I can't believe you can remember what a picky eater I was! I have gotten much better, really. And I will be getting out my crockpot, I just need to figure out what to make in it . . . any ideas for me? I too draw inspiration from Target, I have spent way too much money there, but I love it, and I love your curtains!

Letti said...

I can tell that he is definitely a boy. Chase always had owies growing up. I guess it just makes them tougher. No wimps right?

Lindsey Jensen said...

I love that I know your right when you say YOUR boys will be boys. I know all boys get hurt but not as much as yours! Poor little guy. He is just like Jake when he gets hurt it will last only a second and then he is off doing other things! I love it!

Jamie said...

That looks like my boys! I promise there is a bloody nose, finger, knee...something EVERY day at my house too! BOYS! They are so crazy!

Beeks by the Lake said...

poor Drew! Give him a hug for me! Coleton is always smacking into things and falling. Is it a boy thing? Haeley only did that sort of thing once in a while.

Stephanie said...

Awww man that looks painful. I don't think girls get banged up as much. Kala seems to avoid rough play at all costs!

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