Monday, December 14, 2009

{2} Month Stats

Poor little Ady had her 2 month check up today.  I dread these visits.  I feel bad that they have to have shots and I never know what to expect of our day.  It was her nap time while we were there, so I was expecting her to be grumpy and wanting to fall asleep.   She surprised me and was so happy and content sitting on my lap the whole time.  She smiled at the doctor and nurses and didn’t mind Drew poking around at her pretending to be a doctor.  I was a good mom and remembered to give her Tylenol at the beginning of the visit so it wouldn’t take so long to kick in.  She stared at me with her little trusting eyes while I layed her down on the table holding her binkie in her mouth… so sad because she didn’t know what was coming.  Of course she screamed like crazy while getting the shots.  Then she stopped as soon as I picked her up.  I put her in the car seat and she still didn’t cry.  She fell asleep on the ride home and even stayed asleep as we got home and I put her car seat in the laundry room…she never does that.  Sleeping  

I’m thinking “Maybe this won’t be so bad for her after all.”  Well, that was the calm before the storm.  She didn’t sleep very long and once she was awake, she hasn’t left my warm body.  I have held her pretty much all day today.  She let me put her in her swing once for about 45 minutes.  During that time I enjoyed crawling into my unmade bed for a little rest.  Yes, my bed is unmade today.  It was one of THOSE days.  I’m too tired to even care and a little nervous about what tonight might bring.  Casey is on a Lowe’s run with her right now.  She wouldn’t go to sleep tonight.  Just wanted to lay in my arms staring at me while sucking on the binkie.  All day long she’s been telling me (with those sweet little eyes) that she doesn’t feel good and to just make these sore legs feel better!  I wish  could!  Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Here are her stats:

Weight: 9 lbs. 13 0z. Height: 22 1/2 in.

She is growing healthy and strong!   

FYI:  More posts to come.  I have lots to catch up on!  Check back later.


Lindsey Jensen said...

Aww poor girl! I'm not excited for Bronson's in 2 weeks! I'm going to feel so bad for him!!

Andrea said...

I love that your bed in unmade. You are human!! Good for you for taking that nap. I hope your night goes well.

Stephanie said...

She wants her mama! Those visits are hard. Kala cried (at 12 years old) last month when she had to get 3 shots. I was like, "seriously?" but at the same time it made me sad to see her sad :(

Beth Curtis said...

Poor girl. Beck has his 4 month of Friday! Where does the time go?

Tallie Geddes said...

I HATE that visit too - I always try to talk Adam into coming! But the story has a happy ending - sounds like she slept good! Well I hope that is the just the begining - have a Merry Christmas!

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